How to dry and preserve black truffles

How to dry and preserve black truffles

(Summary description)Black truffles can be stored in the sun. Buy them back and clean the soil on the surface, and then lay them flat in the sun for a few days. You can also slice them in the sun to shorten the drying time.

How to dry and preserve black truffles

(Summary description)Black truffles can be stored in the sun. Buy them back and clean the soil on the surface, and then lay them flat in the sun for a few days. You can also slice them in the sun to shorten the drying time.


Black truffles can be stored in the sun. Buy them back and clean the soil on the surface, and then lay them flat in the sun for a few days. You can also slice them in the sun to shorten the drying time. After drying, put them in a dry and ventilated place. The environment can be preserved for a long time. Fresh black truffles are not stored for a long time, but they are better in terms of taste and nutrition. It is recommended to eat them directly after buying them. Well, it’s easy not to dry it in the sun. If you know the black truffle is moldy, if you are not sure about the weather, it is recommended to buy dried black truffle directly.

Wholesale Dried black truffles

Black truffle is a kind of wild edible fungus that grows in the bottom. It looks rugged in appearance, and its color is between black and dark brown. It emits a special smell when it matures. It is rich in nutritional and medicinal value. 
The price of black truffles is mainly determined by factors such as quality, size, and appearance. The appearance is round, large, and black in color. Black truffles with similar marble patterns are better in quality and higher in nutritional value, so the price is more expensive.


Shanghai Dashanhe Edibletechnology Co.,Ltd

A a full-scale industrial chain enterprisespecialized in dried mushroom, fungus anddeep processing products such as mushroombiscuits, seasoning, sauce, pickles and healthcare products related to mushroom.


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