Difference Between Black Truffle and White Truffle

Difference Between Black Truffle and White Truffle

(Summary description) The prices of black truffles and white truffles are different. Generally speaking, the price of white truffles is more expensive than that of black truffles.

Difference Between Black Truffle and White Truffle

(Summary description) The prices of black truffles and white truffles are different. Generally speaking, the price of white truffles is more expensive than that of black truffles.


Dried shiitake mushrooms, rich in vitamin D. Because fresh shiitake mushrooms produce ergosterol components that can convert vitamin D during the sun-dried process! Fresh shiitake mushrooms are rich in vitamin C and have a lot of water! That is to say, if you want to supplement vitamin D, you can eat dried mushrooms; if you want to supplement vitamin C, you can eat fresh mushrooms!

Dried shiitake mushrooms

Dried shiitake mushrooms, because of the evaporation of water, and the increase of fiber, so dried shiitake mushrooms are rougher, chewy, and not so easy to digest. Suitable for adults! Fresh shiitake mushrooms, because they are rich in water, taste more refreshing and easier to digest, so they are more suitable for children! The method is also very different. Generally speaking, dried shiitake mushrooms are mostly used in soups and stews, because their fragrance is stronger; fresh shiitake mushrooms are mostly fried and eaten, or made into stuffing! Both have their strengths...
Dried shiitake mushrooms produce a lot of guanylic acid during the drying process! You can understand that guanylic acid is the extract of monosodium glutamate and chicken essence, and it is pure natural, so the fragrance of dried shiitake mushrooms is stronger, especially when you use it to make soup, you can smell the fragrance from far away. The fresh shiitake mushrooms have not been dried in the sun, so their taste is almost natural!


Shanghai Dashanhe Edibletechnology Co.,Ltd

A a full-scale industrial chain enterprisespecialized in dried mushroom, fungus anddeep processing products such as mushroombiscuits, seasoning, sauce, pickles and healthcare products related to mushroom.


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